It's time to sail away from Cartagena, Penthouse style! Bonnie, Rich and Merce invited the Cruise Critic Roll Call, friends they had met during the cruise and a lot of the staff officer's to a sailaway party that evening.
The party was a great success, with delicious food, wine, great company, and the weather and view from the Penthouse deck was wonderful!
Here's John and Stephanie having a laugh together.
Len, relaxing on deck, does it get any better then this?
Angus, Joyce, Annette and moi!
Randy, Angus and Thomas, three engineer's having a chat. Gee, guys haven't you discussed everything by now over dinner?
Rich, Marilyn and Mike, talking over the morning tours perhaps?
Randy with Food and Beverage Manager, Donald Beard. Leonie, Wolfgang and Rick also from our Grand Cru dinner attended the sail away party. What a grand turnout and below is a short film of the party in action.

Outside on the Penthouse deck.
As the party was winding down we took Angus and Joyce to our stateroom to show them what the family view balcony and cabin was like and while we were doing that Bonnie called, but I didn't hear the phone ring or see the message light blinking. Later I learned that Angel and Sammy from the SS United States specialty restaurant, who we had passed as we were leaving the Penthouse, had put on a bit of a show for them we missed and offered to do something they hadn't previously done on the Infinity which was serve dinner from the specialty restaurant in the Penthouse on Saturday our final night aboard!

A couple hours later we joined Bonnie, Rich, Joyce and Angus for dinner in the wine cellar room of the States restaurant and were once again served a terrific dinner. This was the first time that Joyce and Angus had been to the specialty restaurant and they both seemed to enjoy it a lot. I believe I've neglected to mention before that Angel and his staff was always having something made for us that wasn't on the menu in addition to whatever we ordered. One evening it was a special starter, (pasta bolognese) that Merce had been craving along with a special liquor that was from Angel's homeland. This evening they made a special sardine appetizer which is a favorite fish of Angus's and also Angel served us his special homemade Sangria. One of my regrets is I neglected to take the movie or still camera to these dinners and didn't get any photographs of the wonderful food. The only reason I had them from the Grand Cru dinner we enjoyed was Rick Garced was nice enough to give me copies of the photos he had taken that evening.
It was while we were leaving after another 4 hour dinner, that I asked Angel about the kitchen tour scheduled for tomorrow that we had been invited to and if he was leading it since it started from the specialty restaurant. It turned out he wouldn't be there, but he did invite Angus and Joyce to join the tour which was great since they weren't Captain's Club Member's yet.
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